Thursday, November 8, 2007

On Our Way Home

Well, I don't have any pictures from today, but it is official--we have a son. We jumped through our last few hoops, and we'll be heading home tomorrow. Our corrected documents arrived last night, and Maggie (our guide) picked them up around 9:00 last night at the airport. It was close, but after much prayer, everything worked out just fine. Now we need all your prayers that the return trip home will be as comfortable and as uneventful as possible. Our guide explained to Branham that he's going home tomorrow, and he'll have to ride 3 airplanes, but I still don't think he fully grasps how long of a trip it's going to be. We fly from Guangzhou to Beijing, from Beijing to Chicago, and from Chicago to Dallas with a 2hour drive home. It could all be a little overwhelming for him so please pray that he remains as relaxed as possible tomorrow and that all our flights go as planned. We can't wait to see everyone and for everyone to meet Branham. He's been a lot of fun, with only a few minor battles thus far, and he seems to bring a smile to eveyone he meets. Well, that's all for now. Next time you hear from us, hopefully we'll be safe and sound at home. Thank you all so much for your love and support. It's meant more than you could ever know!!!

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